Ambassadors' reviews... Harper Bee nail polish!
We've been focussing on our nails here at Harper Bee throughout October, so it was only right that we asked our dedicated Harper Bee Ambassadors for their thoughts and reviews of our fab nail polishes. The verdict? Read on…
Emma, aged 12 (pictured left), says… As a Harper Bee Ambassador, I have been lucky to have the opportunity to test and review their cool new products. This month (October) I’ve tried five nail polishes: Unicorn juice, Queen bee, Moonshine, Mermaid’s tears and Flamingo. Each unique name hints at its colour. My favourite is Flamingo, but Moonshine is a close second. I love them both – Moonshine goes with any outfit and Flamingo gives your nails a lovely pop of colour. In saying this, the other colours are still fabulous. And just because nail polish is normally used for painting nails, it doesn’t mean you can’t decorate your things with them too! I used them to customise a glass bottle giving it a splash of colour, making it look great as a cute vase. My verdict: I highly recommend going to Harper Bee to check out their wonderful nail polishes along with all their other tremendous products – there’s something for every tween girl!

Dee Dee, aged 9 (pictured right with her little sister), says… I was so excited when I first saw the box from Harper Bee, I liked the pattern and even before I opened it, I couldn’t wait to store things inside it. When I opened it, it felt like my birthday .. getting to unwrap all the individual parcels. I opened the beauty case first which was great because then I had somewhere to put all the other things. My little sister was with me, she’s only six .. she was just as excited as I was, and helped me open everything .. although she kind of took charge! She opened the smaller beauty bag .. then we discovered the nail polishes - she dived in to get the best ones! I let her have the Rose Gold nail polish. My favourite was the Mermaid Tears, although I also loved the name for the One in a Melon nail polish. They were a good consistency and easy to put on my nails. Hannah, aged 13, says… I love these tones of colours, they remind me of mermaids and the ocean. All the colours have very good pigmentation. The colours are very nice and thick and easy to put on. The mermaids tears polish has a very nice pearly effect and its has a super cool glowing look which is what mermaid tears would look like. The Moonshine polish is very shiny just like the glare of the moon. The Bling polish reminds me of a disco ball and is very shiny and eye catching. My favourite out of the three nail polishes would be the Bling because it’s bright and beautiful and I can put it over any colour. The nail colours I usually wear are baby pinks and very pastal colours. I usually wear nail polish on school holidays only as my school doesn’t allow us to wear it. When my nails look very plain and dry I put on a clear coat so they look nice and shiny. I usually paint my toes when I’m bored and we can wear that to school because I have closed shoes so no one can see it! Overall, I think this nail polish is very good quality and I will definitely be buying nail polish from Harper Bee now! Brooklyn says…I was very excited to receive my very first package from Harper Bee (pictured below). When I opened it up there was five nail polishes in all pretty colours. My favourite colours were light pink, coral pink with sparkles and the silver glitter. I tried all the colours on myself and even my Mum! It was so easy to put on and the colour still looks amazing after a few days of wearing it! I also enjoyed making an artwork using the nail polish, I love painting and drawing and the nail polish was fun to use! I am excited to see what designs I can do on my nails using the nail polish! Thank you Harper Bee 🐝!