Review: Boho Watercolour Collection
We know we love our new Boho Watercolour range, but we wanted to hear what some of our customers thought about it. So, we asked Grace and Ava – two tween-age girls and die-hard Harper Bee fans – to review a couple of the pieces in our latest drop. We’ll let them tell you what they thought…

Grace, 9
“I like the new Harper Bee Boho Watercolour bag, with a galexy afect and a POP of colour the Boho bag stickes out to me. I would realy like to have one of the amazing bags aspeshely because there is lots of amazing colours and pretty patterns tochoose from. This poticuler bag I love because there is lots of space in the bag and on the bag outsids (pockets) you could fit or (all) your every day items in it e.g. lunchbox, hat, books and drink bottle, pens and pencile. And if its just a bag to holdeverything on a day out, money, wolet, phones or eletronics, hat, food and everything else. This bag has a water prof inside that I like aspesherly because it wont get wet on the inside if you spill a water bottle. The Boho bag has ajustible bag straps so any age could fit. The new bag has cool closing tabs that just holds togeth by a strong magnet and mane pocket has a specile string to pull to close it up as well as a flap and two lether tabs. Talking about storage again the Boho bag has a specile popoket insid to keep vallybals in such as julery, loose change and just the little stuff. This bag has a nice thik metiriel that ceaps everything safe and safe from braking anything inside of this bag. That is why I love harper bees new boho water colour bag. P.S I love everything from Harper Bee because it realy suits girls my age (9)”

Ava, 12
“I think the new Harper Bee notebook looks spectacular – I was instantly wowed when I saw it. It just makes me want to stay up all night righting, drawing and everything in-between. I especially love how the pages are all different designs, which means I won’t ever get board. The front cover also looks really good and feels good in your hands, and I also think that having the quote and bright colours on the front cover make it very appealing, and for bonus points the elastic is matching the tone of the journal. I have found many beautiful journals that have the black elastic and it just completely ruins the effect. Overall, I love the whole journal and I can’t wait to use it as a journal when I go to Perth and go on a road trip around Australia.”