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Queen Bee's Corner // This Christmas...

Queen Bee's Corner // This Christmas...

Queen Bee's Corner // This Christmas...

Good morning Harper Bee people! It’s 6am and I am writing this at a cafe as I wait for the removal truck. Yes, that’s right. We are moving the week before Xmas. No stress! Seeing as we will be surrounded by boxes (not the gift kind!) on Xmas day, and it is my only day off, my partner is determined that I should relax and he will cook Xmas lunch. Don’t get too excited. He cooked last Xmas too. Just picture the scene: three generations of our family, all sitting around the table expectantly. The first platter comes out of the kitchen - towers of fabulous crunchy roast potatoes, with jugs of hot gravy. We applauded and waited for the next platter. Nope. There wasn’t one. That was it. Still, with bottles of champagne and lots of laughter, we had a fantastic meal (and hardly any cleaning up!) Knowing his culinary skills, I doubt whether this year will be any different. We have already bought the potatoes (blue potatoes, sold at Coles - he swears by them) and the bubbles are cooling in the fridge. (Note to self: make sure they go in the moving van..) I’m so looking forward to spending the day with family and friends, and hope your Xmas day is just as stress free and happy as mine will be. All the team at Harper Bee thank you and your fabulous tweens for all the incredible support and enthusiasm you have given us in 2018. We truly value the small role we play in giving your girls delight and we can’t wait to show you what we have got in store for them in 2019! Have a fabulous Xmas, I look forward to catching up in the New Year. Love, Janine

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